Saturday, June 21, 2014

Create HTML form with PHP Class

This section would be very simple task for OOP with PHP developer. Although it could be very good foundation for beginner of Object Oriented Programming in PHP. In this tutorial, I am going to explain how to create HTML form by using PHP class. Its a very straight forward class that will generate few HTML form elements by calling particular function. Let’s see…

How to install Brackets

What exactly Brackets? Why designers and developers are concern about it in 2014? How it will affect in web coder? How to install Brackets in windows? These could be the basic question in your mind while you are listening more and more about brackets.
Well, behind the story of Brackets code editor is pretty simple. Brackets is an Open Source code editor for web designers and front-end developers. It will help you to write your code with more flexibility as well as workflow.  

Using webcam with PHP language

This is a quite funny things that, using webcam with PHP language. I am pretty sure that, many of programmers are interested to integrated webcam with php script but don’t know how to do that. Well, it is not difficult to integrate. Let’s dig into php code that how easily we can do that.

How to Install Composer in Windows

While from novice to professional, developers are concern about composer, then it is playing vital role in PHP world. What exactly composer and why programmers are bothering about this? Well, in this case, Composer is a tool for dependency management in PHP. It allows you to declare the dependent libraries in your project needs and it will install them in your project for you. Before that, php had PEAR, while it has some limitations, composer has been trying to solve all the limitations of PEAR and fixed that issues. Now, question is, how to Install composer in windows? Well, it is a major question sometimes for new comer while it is bit confusing.

Upload file in github

There is no doubt that, github is very essential for professional developers. It helps to make code repository for saving and sharing all of your codes. Its easy to access from different places as well as devices. Well, there should be a question that how can you upload code in Today I am going to show you how to upload new or existing project in github.

github for web developer

Hope you are fine while you are reading this tutorial. Today I am going to introduce you github, a very useful tools for programmer especially web programmer. Lets go….
What is github? I am sure enough that, this question is moving around in your mind, if your are newcomer. Isn’t so? Well, Github is a web repositories where you can store all of your code and share with others. Even you can create group in github. Think deeply that, whatever you code, you want to save in somewhere and access from different places and devices. In this case, github is appropriate place for you. Now, your question is, how can you use github.

welcome to

I was never been fan of a academic teaching methods. I am always looking for a room to go out from class while class becoming boring and honestly it was always happen to me. Its not issue of teacher’s lack of knowledge. Its all about their teaching methodology, the way they love to teach. Come into class, entirely concentrate to write on board or show slides where students are caring anything about this. Honestly, I believe that, Learning process should be enjoyable and I expect, will play vital role to do that. It can not be painful for learners. I am sure enough, many of our lecturers nowadays will agree with me regarding this statement.

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